Bible Podcasts

Whether you’re looking for an audio Bible podcasts that you can listen to while driving or you’re interested in hearing the Bible through an online app, you’ll find several great options. Using the Bible in this way can be a great way to encourage and strengthen your faith, and there are plenty of great podcasts to choose from. One of the Christian podcasts that I’ve enjoyed is The Bible Never Said That, which debunks modern secular misconceptions about the Bible.

DriveTime Devotions

Bible podcastsWhether you commute to work every day or just want to learn more about God’s Word, DriveTime Devotions can help you achieve your goals. This free app is designed to be listened to once or twice a day and is packed with information about the Bible, God’s plan for your life, and ways to put it into practice. It is also easy to use and can be downloaded to your computer or mobile device.

Tom Holladay, a senior teaching pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, hosts DriveTime Devotions. Tom is also integral to Saddleback’s ministry training team, which equips church leaders worldwide. He is also the author of several books on love and relationship.

Daily Audio Bible

Whether you read the Bible or listen to it, the Daily Audio Bible is worth checking out. The app features multiple languages, a variety of translations, and various fun facts. It also has several valuable features, such as a bookmarker, a calendar, and a “read along” feature. The app also allows users to add notes to their bibles.

One of the most impressive features of the Daily Audio Bible app is its ability to connect to several Bible Gateway databases. This might be your app if you are interested in acquiring some of the more obscure Bible translations. Aside from the Bible, the app provides access to the Christian Life Community and other resources.

The Bible Binge

Initially available only for Patreon supporters, the Bible Binge podcast is now available to all listeners. Knox McCoy and Jamie Golden of The Popcast host the podcast. They discuss a variety of biblical figures with stories that often have troubling aspects. The podcast also explores faith-adjacent topics, such as vacation Bible school, Enneagram, communion, and prosperity gospel.

The podcast also includes a segment called “So What, Who Cares?” which explores life’s messy and tragic aspects. The hosts encourage listeners to engage with the text and avoid cherry-picking verses. This is not a mocking of scripture but rather a way to understand the story more clearly.

The hosts also include a “Gentle Rebuke” segment, which checks to see if any elements in the Bible are being misinterpreted. They also have an “Accountability” segment to give listeners a chance to get honest about their faith and lives.

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

Several Christian leaders are struggling with the best ways to grow discipleship. One of the best ways to do this is to implement an emotionally healthy discipleship model. This book explores seven Biblical themes to help you understand how to make your church more emotionally healthy.

Peter Scazzero lays out the best practices to create an emotionally healthy discipleship culture in this book. He also provides a roadmap for churches looking to implement this new model.

Throughout the book, Scazzero shares personal struggles and best practices to help church leaders implement an emotionally healthy discipleship culture. He combines his experiences with his years as a pastor to offer a glimpse of a future paradigm. He even offers a course to help churches implement this new model.

Paul Hastings

Whether you’re a fan of the Bible podcasts or simply want to fill your mind with Christian thoughts, many faith-based podcasts are available. These podcasts can help fill your mind with Christian ideas and Scriptures while offering practical insights.

One of the Christian podcasts that I’ve enjoyed is The Bible Never Said That, which debunks modern secular misconceptions about the Bible. The host, Emily Prokop, helps Christians understand the Bible better by breaking down the most common misconceptions about the Bible.

Another Christian podcast, The Story Behind, hosts a variety of people sharing their stories of how God has impacted their lives. The hosts use an immersive storytelling approach to teach their listeners about the Bible.

Bible Podcasts

Whether you’re looking for a daily Bible podcasts reading podcast or learning how to study the Bible, there are many great options. These podcasts are a great way to learn about the Bible while connecting with other believers. Some focus on the Old Testament, while others look at the New Testament.

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