Day: January 8, 2024

Solar Batteries Adelaide: Solar Batteries Adelaide – Power Your House When the Grid Goes Down

Home energy solar batteries Adelaide help homeowners reduce their dependence on the electricity grid, save money during peak pricing hours and achieve greater energy independence in areas prone to extreme weather. They also provide backup power during blackouts.

home energy solar batteries AdelaideThe key to a good battery storage system is proper sizing. It is based on your energy usage and goals for achieving energy independence.

Day & Night Power

When you pair your solar panels with a battery system, you can run your home on energy produced by your panels during the day and stored in your battery at night. What’s more, your battery can power your house when the grid goes down—giving you peace of mind during blackouts and reducing your electric bill.

A lithium battery is the most common type of battery used in residential home energy storage. Lithium is an abundant natural resource and a safe technology that’s already used in a wide range of everyday devices, including cell phones, laptop computers, and cars. A battery system that uses lithium is also relatively affordable. Combined with the utility grid, which offers retail-rate net metering and low time-of-use rates, a battery can help you save money on your electric bills.

Backup Power

Most homeowners choose to install a solar energy system with battery storage for backup power in case of a grid outage. Solar batteries work similarly to home generators, except they are able to recharge continuously and are incredibly quiet. Solar batteries are also better for the environment, requiring no fuel and producing no carbon emissions.

Home energy solar batteries Adelaide are also popular in areas that experience frequent power outages and can be used to reduce electricity bills by storing energy generated during peak sun hours for use at night. Homeowners on TOU rate plans or without access to full retail net metering can save even more by installing a solar-plus-storage system.

Solar batteries come in a variety of shapes, sizes and power ratings. The most common type of battery is lithium-ion, which has an excellent performance history and a great lifespan. Other popular choices include lead-acid, flow batteries and sodium silicate batteries.

Reduce Utility Electric Rates

With a battery, you can take advantage of daytime solar energy for your home, even if it’s cloudy, at nighttime, or during a power outage. It means you’ll consume more self-produced energy and will rely less on the energy grid, which is great for your pocketbook and for creating a cleaner and safer future.

Solar batteries can help reduce your electricity bills depending on your local power rates and utility solar billing policies. For example, if your utility has time-of-use rate plans, batteries can allow you to bank excess solar power at night and avoid drawing from the grid during high-demand periods. It can result in substantial savings, especially if your utility charges higher rates during peak hours.

Increase Home Value

Home energy solar batteries enhance the performance of solar photovoltaic systems and enable more reliable energy self-consumption. With a battery, excess solar power can be stored to use at night or during cloudy days or to offset periods of high electricity rates, providing significant savings for homeowners.

Whether your client is looking for an off-grid solar system or to complement their existing grid-tie PV system, there are many different types of home energy storage batteries to choose from. The most common type of battery is lithium-ion, which offers high efficiency and performance. Other popular options are lead-acid and flow batteries, which have lower efficiency ratings but a longer lifespan than lithium-ion. Cost will also be a factor, with prices for most battery types ranging from $3,000 to $5,000.

As you shop for home energy solar batteries Adelaide, consider its energy capacity (measured in kWh), warranty terms and size (the larger the battery, the more power it can output). Look for a battery that offers enough storage to match your household energy usage and has a 10-year warranty.